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There are over 66,000 individuals experiencing homelessness on any given night in Los Angeles. We are at clinic every week of the year, delivering first-rate medical care interwoven with housing resources, social services, and the compassionate attentiveness of our students. 

Support our cause by donating to our free Mobile Clinic!


Any amount will help us support and maintain a project that saves and improves the lives of an underserved segment of our society. Supply donations such as medications, pregnancy tests and clothes (men's clothes preferred) are also very welcome. Non-monetary supplies can count as tax-deductible donations as well.


buys a hygiene kit,  for clients (including conditioning shampoo, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, floss and q-tips)​


will cover the costs of a client's care during one clinic visit 


will buy a warm sweater 


will buy an inhaler to help someone breathe


will provide prenatal vitamins for one expecting mother


will buy someone's vision care for a year

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